Last night my husband received a text from her sister: she was in the hospital.Her boyfriend of about 8 months beat her up pretty badly. I watched my husband's fingers flash across the mini keypad, his breathing labored.
My sister-in-law was sent for an emergency MRI because they thought blood might be flooding to her brain. This is not the first woman in my life to become a victim of abuse. My husband's anger and worry has morphed into something we can all take part in: finding a way to reduce the risk of this happening to other women. My husband is starting an organization called "DAD or Domestic Abuse Database. Similar to that of sex offender registries because the crime is eerily similar in how it repeats. The objective is to create pressure on our leaders to enact laws requiring those who commit acts of domestic violence to register themselves with the state government and to require those state officials to maintain these databases."
This woman's story is a prime example of why a database like this is needed. Connie Nelson knows her life will change again once her husband is released--it has been 12 years since anyone has seen him. If he comes after her again, the chances are small that someone would be able to recognize him and to help prevent access to her.
Please, help begin the change that society desperately needs to reduce the risk of abuse.