Monday, August 16, 2010

In the Beginning

Enter: freshman college student, struggling writer, and idealist.
I've started this blog as a window view into my new experiences as I throw myself through college, attempt to travel the world, and struggle to write my way into the unknown. I'll be posting new pieces as they come to life and now and then interrupting with my two cents worth as the world spins madly on.

I'm about to enter a college that has been so highly recommended, so highly regarded by those who fed my obsession with literature and writing. This is not the only reason I chose to attend Bemidji State. No, just because this college has been talked up since (almost) the day I walked in to Lincoln High as a freshman, doesn't mean it was the top of my list. Almost. I decided on enrolling into one of the nation's highest ranked schools for earning educational degrees (as the announcer claimed at orientation) for several reasons.
One: it's on a lake, so the campus is very pretty. Great place to write and be inspired by while sitting under a giant tree. It's the closest thing to the ocean I'll get to in MN.
Two: there are hills. The closest thing to mountains I'll get in MN.
Three: It's close to my family (my grandparents, parents, brother, his fiance, and their beautiful daughter Jade) but not so close that I might as well just live at home.
Four: I can major in English education and also earn a fine arts degree in creative and professional writing.  I've found not a lot of schools offer fine arts degrees.
Five: Eurospring. Ah. Traveling. If I could make a career by traveling, I would. I've been to Europe once before on the German Trip my German class went on a few years ago. We went through Germany (of course), Switzerland, Austria, France, and the northern tip of Italy. Italy by far is the most beautiful country I've ever seen, though the Alps we saw in France were pretty threatening and looming with beauty themselves. They definitely took the majority of the 2000 pictures I took on that two week trip. 

So here I am. About to enter a world of studying, studying, and more studying. And hopefully learning. Should be an interesting first week. I haven't been able to breath a word since I had my tonsils out about six days ago. Literally. I hope that by time I move in on Friday I'll be able to mutter a word here and there. Don't want my roomie to think me rude.


  1. Well, first of all, I love the background. Second, I think this is a wonderful intro for your new blog, very cool, very you. Overall I just love this as a whole. I'm excited to read it while you are away =3 Also, while I like this background a lot I think there is probably a way to use your own pictures as a background, say one of those 2000 pictures of the Alps you took. We shall see I suppose. Don't have to much fun with it, you'll never leave your computer alone as it is. ;3~

  2. Thanks Kenz! I think there is a way to use my own backgrounds, but the layout had such awesome ones anyway that I didn't bother looking around in mine. This should keep me occupied the next few days. I am having issues finding the settings on posting comments. I'll find it eventually.
