Friday, September 10, 2010

Unintentionally Awake

So here I am. 11:30PM.
Back home, my 'late night' was 9:30. Unless Dad and I were up watching the newest Top Gear or movie.
I live out in the country. It's quiet, aside from the occasional biker party across the river at the Saint Hilaire park. Which I've been to once, and apparently 'they' only want St. Hilaire residents using the park, so says the welcome sign. Anyway. The loudest noise, on average, is a bird. Or the rain. It's peaceful.
I've always longed to live closer to town. Somewhere within walking distance to everything. A bit like my situation here at college. Lord, how I miss the quiet.
It's 11:40. And the banging around in the rooms around us haven't let up. Nor has the yelling, laughing, grunting, or the rampaging elephants. Usually, I'd plug in my headphones and watch Bones, my latest obsession. But around 9:30 I ended on an episode that I am going to go ahead and assume it's going to be my favorite of all three seasons so far (IE: Brennen and Booth share their first kiss, which I thought wasn't until season five at which Brennen rejects Booth and they go their separate ways. This idea broke my heart. So season three's kiss, added to the theme of the episode, was brilliant!). I didn't want to ruin that awesomeness by watching another one just yet. With that in mind, I began to write. Something I should have been doing all day today, but I hate the feeling of being rushed. I've got a bit of an idea for my final paper in my Advanced Writing class; I just have to get it on paper. A paragraph down the page, the door behind me swings open. I expected Missy, or one of her friends peeking in. It may have been a friend, but it wasn't just to peek in.
I yanked my head up, out of my reverie, and looked to see the door slam shut. I heard some sniggering outside, and before whoever it was did it again, I leapt over and slid the lock home. Missy could damn well knock if she's forgotten her key.
I miss home. I miss knowing that when I have my door open and my windows wide to coax a breeze, my name will not be hissed from somewhere unwelcome. At least since my brother moved out. Ha. I miss having to get up to check and see if everyone is still breathing. I miss the quiet. I miss my 9:30 bedtime.
I love the town I've come to. I just have to get used to living around other people. It was silly of me to assume an apartment-like living arrangement would be silent as an abbey full of nuns. Nuns that swore a vow of silence.
It's midnight. I have to be up in six and a half hours.
There seems to be a rave just outside my door. 

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